System of Enlisting Title of Degree Examination and Advising Professor

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Please make sure you have registered on the Single Sign-On portal web site.
(密碼與選課系統相同(Password is same as in the system of course selection.)





I.Procedure of applying for enlisting: 1. Enlisting advisor→2. Applying enlisting for degree examination→3. Enlisting forms→4. Application forms must be signed by the applicant and attached with related verification documents (original copy), then adviser’s approval should be obtained, and finally followed by the checking and approving of the Department, the School, and Dean’s office for Academic Affairs.

II.After applying enlisting for degree examination and the completed application form sent to the Curriculum and Instruction Division, the thesis title may still be changed, if necessary, by the applicant directly through the enlisting system; when the grade of degree examination is received by the curriculum and Instruction Division, this system shall be closed and only information search is allowed, but no more changing allowed.

III.If in the semester when degree examination is taken the student also has completed the learning work for the secondary department or institute and degree curriculum, then before taking the degree examination , the student should fill up the secondary department or institute and degree curriculum learning result checking form, and attach with an original copy of all the years grade reports to related department or institute and degree curriculum as well as Teaching Section in Dean’s office for checking.

IV.Procedure to receive Graduation/Degree Diploma: Every department should follow the work calendar where it is regulated that the grades of degree examination be sent to the Dean’s Office for Academic Affairs to get enlisted before the final day of the semester (January 31 for first semester and July 31 for second semester). After 3 working days have passed since the time when the grade of degree examination reached the Dean’s office, the graduate student should submit a copy of the final revised degree thesis in paper form an affidavit on completion of comparison checking upon the thesis, and an electronic file of whole thesis before the mandate last departure date for graduate students. Then, the Dean’s Office for Academic Affairs may give the degree diploma after the procedure for school departure is finished.